03 Jun 2025


Speaking to children about sexual abuse

A free one-hour webinar to give professionals the knowledge and confidence to act, using the CSA Centre’s Communicating with children guide


03 Jun 2025







Do you know how to speak to children when you think they may have been sexually abused? Or how to respond when children tell us they are being or have been sexually harmed? This free webinar aims to help professionals understand what they can do to help children by putting our Communicating with children guide into practice.

About this webinar

We know that it can take many years for a child to get to the point where they feel able to tell someone about their experiences of sexual abuse. It’s vital that anyone who works with children knows how to recognise what is happening and understands how to help the child have that conversation.

This free one-hour webinar aims to help give professionals the knowledge and confidence to act, using the CSA Centre’s Communicating with Children Guide. In this session we will explain what may be going on for children when they are being sexually abused, what prevents them from talking about their abuse, and what professionals can do to help children speak about what is happening.

Who is this webinar for?

This course is for any professional whose role may involve contact with children, including those in social care, health (primary care, mental health, accident and emergency, midwifery, health visiting, sexual health), police, adoption services, fostering services, schools and any other relevant services. The timings of this webinar series have been selected to ensure that anyone, no matter their profession, should find a convenient time to be able to attend.

Following the webinar, you can expect to have:

• A good understanding of how the Communicating with children guide can support you in your work

• Increased awareness and understanding of the barriers children face in telling

• A greater understanding of the professional behaviours that can give children the confidence to speak out

• Increased knowledge and confidence in how to respond when a child tells of their abuse

Who will run the webinar?

This course will be led by an expert trainer who has significant experience in working with children and families where sexual abuse is a concern, delivering training, and working within multi-agency safeguarding arrangements.