Harmful sexual behaviour in online contexts course
6 to 25
Online / in-person
£480 / £530 (in-person) + VAT
This half-day course provides an introduction to harmful sexual behaviour in online contexts, often referred to as Technology-Assisted Harmful Sexual Behaviour. This is harmful sexual behaviour – sexual discussions or acts that are inappropriate for a child’s age or stage of development – that are facilitated via technology. The CSA Centre know this is an issue many professionals are seeking confidence in addressing, and one that lots of children and young people are struggling with.
Specifically, it will cover the following areas:
- The context and emergence of harmful sexual behaviour in online contexts and why it is an important subject for professionals working with young people.
- Exploration of the (limited) research base, alongside practice examples to highlight considerations for professionals.
- Sexual development in a digital world and what this might mean for today’s young people.
- The impact of harmful sexual behaviour in online contexts on children and young people.
- Specific considerations for those who have displayed harmful sexual behaviour in online contexts.
- Considerations working with parents and carers.
- Safety planning for home, school and other settings.
Who is this course for
This course is for all professionals working with children, young people and/or their parent(s) or carer(s). This may include roles across education, health, children’s social care, prisons, probation, police, adoption services, fostering services etc.
What you can expect to learn
- Greater knowledge of the prevalence, range and characteristics of harmful sexual behaviour in online contexts for children and young people.
- A greater understanding of how sexual development has been impacted by technology and online contexts for children and young people.
- Greater confidence in identifying and responding to concerns of harmful sexual behaviour in online contexts.
- A better understanding of the impacts on victims of harmful sexual behaviour in online contexts.
- Greater confidence in working with and supporting children and young people who display harmful sexual behaviour in online contexts.
“The clarity and knowledge of the trainer, and the many examples that illustrated the theory was excellent.”
Safeguarding policy manager