Supporting practice film series
12 short films, building on our resources, to give professionals the confidence to identify and respond to concerns of child sexual abuse.
How will these films support you?
This series is designed to help you act. To understand the wider signs and indicators of sexual abuse in children and feel confident in how to respond and support the whole family.
In the 12 short videos, our Deputy Director and qualified social worker Anna Glinski, shares her guidance to support the core themes from our resources and how you can use them in practice.
We recommend watching all the videos and then making time to reflect on the content in the resources, and how that could help how you respond in the future.
Supporting practice in tackling child sexual abuse
We produced these 12 videos for anyone whose role brings them into contact with children and young people under 18 years old, or their parents or carers.
Watch the series in full, or return to watch one 5-minute video at a time.
Cefnogi ymarfer wrth fynd i’r afael â cham-drin plant yn rhywiol
Mae’r fideos hyn ar gael yn Gymraeg a Saesneg. Nici Evans, ein Cynghorydd Gwella Ymarfer yng Nghymru, sy’n cyflwyno’r gyfres Gymraeg. Mae gan Nici flynyddoedd o brofiad ym maes gofal iechyd yn gweithio fel nyrs, ac mae hi wedi gweithio ar draws sawl asiantaeth mewn amgylchedd gwasanaethau cyhoeddus.