Publications & Resources
A full list of research, practice guidance and reports by the CSA Centre
September 2023
Practice resources
Peter Yates (University of Edinburgh) and Stuart Allardyce (Lucy Faithfull Foundation)
Sibling sexual behaviour: A guide to responding to inappropriate, problematic and abusive behaviour
This practice guide is intended to help professionals navigate key decisions at the various stages of a case where there are concerns about sexual behaviour involving siblings. Such behaviour may range from developmentally appropriate through inappropriate or problematic to abusive.
May 2023
Practice resources
Natasha Sabin (CSA Centre) and Michael Sheath (Lucy Faithfull Foundation)
Managing risk and trauma after online sexual offending: A whole-family safeguarding guide
This resource is for social work practitioners and managers. It has been designed to aid their thinking and decision-making when assessing and supporting a family where a parent is under police investigation for accessing child sexual abuse material. It provides social workers with the information they need to safeguard and support the whole family at a time of great emotional distress.
November 2022
Practice resources
Diana Parkinson, adapted by Lorraine Myles (CSA Centre)
Communicating with parents and carers: A guide for education professionals when there are concerns about sexual abuse or behaviour
This guide has been developed to help safeguarding teams and wider education staff talk to and provide a supportive response to parents when concerns about sexual abuse have been raised, or when such abuse has been identified.
November 2022
Practice resources
Anna Glinski and Natasha Sabin, adapted by Lorraine Myles (CSA Centre)
Communicating with children: A guide for education professionals when there are concerns about sexual abuse or behaviour
This guide aims to help anyone working in education provision in England and Wales to communicate with and support children in situations where sexual abuse is suspected or identified.
September 2022
Practice resources
Lorraine Myles and Natasha Sabin (CSA Centre) and Joe Dove
Safety planning in education: A guide for professionals supporting children following incidents of harmful sexual behaviour
This resource is designed to guide professionals' thinking in supporting children of any age, including those with special education needs, following incidents of harmful sexual behaviour. It is for all professionals in schools or other places of learning for children, including pupil referral units and special schools; it is not just for Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs). Designed to be used along side the CSA Centre's school safety plan template.
March 2022
Practice resources
Diana Parkinson (CSA Centre)
Supporting parents and carers: A guide for those working with families affected by child sexual abuse
The guide aims is designed to help professionals provide a supportive response to parents when concerns about the sexual abuse of their child have been raised, or when such abuse has been identified. This includes situations where the child may have been sexually abused by an adult or adults, or experienced another child’s harmful sexual behaviour; the abuse or harmful behaviour may have taken place inside or outside their family environment.
February 2022
Practice resources
Anna Glinski and Natasha Sabin (CSA Centre)
Communicating with children guide
This practice guide is designed to help professionals communicate with the children they work with in relation to child sexual abuse, including when they have concerns that such abuse is happening.
November 2021
Practice resources
Anna Glinski (CSA Centre)
Signs and indicators template
This template has been designed to support professionals across a range of organisations and agencies in systematically observing, recording and communicating their concerns about possible child sexual abuse.
January 2021
Practice resources
Peter Yates (Edinburgh Napier University) and Stuart Allardyce (Lucy Faithfull Foundation)
Sibling sexual abuse: A knowledge and practice overview
This paper helps professionals think through the issues and challenges raised by sibling sexual abuse. It presents an overview of the current research and practice knowledge, covering sexual behaviour between siblings, the scale and nature of sibling sexual abuse, the impact of sibling sexual abuse and professional responses to sibling sexual abuse
April 2019
Practice resources
Michelle Cutland (CSA Centre)
The role and scope of medical examinations when there are concerns about child sexual abuse: A scoping review
This report aims to help professionals involved in advising and referring children, young people and families, so that they better understand the role and purpose of a medical examination in situations where child sexual abuse has been disclosed or is suspected.