Education and DSLs
Understanding and preventing organisational child sexual abuse in education settings
6 to 25
Online / in-person
£850 / £980 (in-person) + VAT
This course is designed to equip participants with an understanding of the issues facing organisations and staff groups in being aware of, and preventing, the possibility of sexual abuse or inappropriate behaviour by staff and volunteers. Using research, case studies and exercises, participants should feel better equipped to actively engage in creating an effective safeguarding environment in their workplace.
The term ‘organisational child sexual abuse’ is used to describe behaviour which is perpetrated across a broad range of organisational or institutional contexts. The course will explore how this type of child sexual abuse can be understood in the context of dynamics between factors relating to those who perpetrate abuse, the victim(s), and the organisation itself.
Who is this course for
This course is for professionals who have safeguarding, or management and leadership roles in education settings. It provides valuable guidance for the better creation and implementation of wider safeguarding policies relating to sexual abuse, which can be applied across a whole team.
What you can expect to learn
A better understanding of:
- the scale and nature of child sexual abuse, including organisational sexual abuse in education settings
- the impacts of organisational sexual abuse
- the dynamics of organisational sexual abuse and grooming
- issues relating to both male and female offenders
- Components of effective abuse prevention.
It was well paced, never felt rushed and had plenty of opportunities to ask questions and participate by giving our thoughts and suggestions.
Deputy Head, Designated Safeguarding Lead, Senior Mental Health Lead