Publications & Resources

A full list of research, practice guidance and reports by the CSA Centre

January 2018

Research & evidence

Kam Kaur and Christine Christie (Cordis Bright Consulting)

Local commissioning of services addressing child sexual abuse and exploitation in England: A rapid review incorporating findings from five locations

This report uses interviews with commissioners, commissioning partners, service providers and local practitioner experts across the five local authority areas to explore the ‘who, what, why and how’ of commissioning practice for child sexual abuse work. Highlighting current strengths and weaknesses in current work, it also reveals the support that commissioners would like to receive.

December 2017

Research & evidence

Jane Kerr, Rupal Patel, Jorgen Lovbakke, Caroline Paskell and Matt Barnard

Responding to child sexual abuse and exploitation in the night-time economy

A study by NatCen Social Research for the CSA Centre to help build an understanding of what night-time economy workers currently know and do about child sexual abuse and exploitation. The report gives the results of an online survey responded to by self-defined night-time economy workers in environments - including restaurants, bars, shops, public transport and emergency services - and makes recommendations for those who develop and deliver training and campaigns.

October 2017

Research & evidence

Sarah Brown, Geraldine Brady, Anita Franklin and Rebecca Crookes (Coventry University)

The use of tools and checklists to assess risk of child sexual exploitation: An exploratory study

Featuring findings from an online survey and extracts from interviews with professionals in social care, policing, health care, youth justice and other fields, this report on the study’s findings examines how and when tools and checklists for risk assessment are used, reveals the value attached to them by professionals, and identifies variations in practice.

September 2017

Research & evidence

Sara Scott and Di McNeish (DMSS Research)

Supporting parents of sexually exploited young people: An evidence review

Intended for practitioners working in specialist services, child protection and universal services, this report provides clear and practical advice on what is helpful in enabling parents to maintain or rebuild positive, supportive relationships when their child has been sexually exploited. It is also relevant to situations where serious concerns exist about exploitation.

June 2017

Key messages from research

Nicola Sharp-Jeffs, Maddy Coy and Liz Kelly (London Metropolitan University)

Key messages from research on child sexual exploitation: Professionals in school settings

This briefing paper is for all professionals working in schools. It brings together key messages from research on child sexual exploitation with implications for practice and the allocation of school budgets. It should be read in conjunction with guidance for professionals.

June 2017

Key messages from research

Nicola Sharp-Jeffs, Maddy Coy and Liz Kelly (London Metropolitan University)

Key messages from research on child sexual exploitation: Multi-agency working

This briefing paper is for child sexual exploitation coordinators/lead professionals from any agency, and for those planning multi-agency approaches. It brings together key messages from research on child sexual exploitation with implications for multiagency working and should be read in conjunction with guidance for professionals.

January 2017

Key messages from research

Nicola Sharp-Jeffs, Maddy Coy and Liz Kelly (London Met University)

Key messages from research on child sexual exploitation: Strategic Commissioning of Police Services

This briefing paper brings together key messages from research on child sexual exploitation and highlights implications for the strategic commissioning of police services. It should be read in conjunction with guidance for professionals on tackling child sexual exploitation.

January 2017

Key messages from research

Nicola Sharp-Jeffs, Maddy Coy and Liz Kelly (London Metropolitan University)

Key messages from research on child sexual exploitation: Police

This briefing paper is for police officers. It brings together key messages from research on child sexual exploitation and highlights implications for practice. It should be read in conjunction with guidance for professionals on tackling child sexual exploitation.

January 2017

Key messages from research

Maddy Coy, Nicola Sharp-Jeffs and Liz Kelly (London Metropolitan University)

Key messages from research on child sexual exploitation: Social workers

This briefing paper is for social workers. It brings together key messages from research on child sexual exploitation with implications for practice and should be read in conjunction with guidance on responding to child sexual exploitation for professionals. Revised 19/05/2017

January 2017

Key messages from research

Maddy Coy, Nicola Sharp-Jeffs and Liz Kelly (London Metropolitan University)

Key messages from research on child sexual exploitation: Strategic Commissioning of Children’s Services

This briefing paper is for commissioners of children’s social care and related children’s services. It brings together key messages from research on child sexual exploitation (CSE) with implications for practice and should be read in conjunction with guidance for professionals. Revised 24/02/2017 and 19/05/2017.